Zoom Meeting and Webinar Service

Quick Links:  Submit a Request  -  Documentation  -  FAQs  -  Resources

Whether you need to host digital events, all-hands meetings, or training sessions, a Zoom video conference is an easy-to-use option for managing and engaging with your audience.

The University offers temporary Zoom webinar licenses, which can host up to 3,000 attendees, to accommodate the need for large-format Zoom events. In addition to providing a temporary license for your event, University of Miami Information Technology's (UMIT's) Zoom Meeting and Webinar (ZMW) team can assist by providing meeting/webinar training and technical tips for hosting your event.

Note: If a virtual event takes place after business hours, the ZMW team will provide extensive technical training so you're able to successfully manage your Zoom event. 

To access the most popular Zoom tips, click here. If you have any questions, or if you need assistance setting up your meeting or webinar, contact the ZMW team.

Submit a Request





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  • How do I request a Zoom webinar?

    Submit your request using this online form and a member of the UMIT team will connect with you as soon as possible.

  • Can I request a temporary webinar 500 license assigned to my Zoom account?

    Yes! If available, we can assign you a temporary webinar 500 license which will be enabled on your Zoom account for the duration of your event. This enables you to manage event registration and download reports/videos after the webinar is complete.

    To get started, submit your request using this online form and please note in the "additional comments" section that you'd like a temporary webinar 500 license assigned to your Zoom account. A member of the ZMW team will connect with you as soon as possible to confirm if a license is available.

  • How many attendees can join a webinar?

    The standard webinar license automatically includes up to 500 attendees. However, up to 3,000 people can be invited to join a webinar, depending on license availability.

    If you surpass 500 webinar registrants, we kindly ask that you submit a license capacity increase request using this online form at least 3 business days in advance of your event. License increase requests will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.

  • How do I request a license capacity increase if I already have a temporary webinar 500 license assigned to my Zoom account?

    Please submit a license capacity increase request using this online form at least 3 business days in advance of your event. Please keep in mind that there are a limited number of large licenses in the ZMW license pool. To that end, license increase requests will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.

    Note: We usually increase the license approximately 30 minutes before the event starts.

  • What makes a webinar different than a Zoom meeting?

    Webinars are like a lecture hall or auditorium. Typically, webinar attendees do not interact with one another. Though Zoom provides options for you to get more social with your attendees, your average webinar is one or few people speaking to many. Webinars are ideal for large audiences and events that are open to the public. Zoom video webinars provide you with simple tools for crowd control and engagement. You can allow an attendee to talk using computer audio or quickly promote an attendee to panelist for them to interact. Use hand raisingQ&A, and polls for quick engagement. Click here for a Zoom meeting and webinar comparison.

  • How can I share and manage my webinar recordings?

    Zoom offers local recording to your computer and to the Zoom cloud.*

    Zoom will provide you with a link to share and you can manage its privacy settings. View your meeting settings to edit your cloud recording settings.

    Local (to your desktop or laptop computer) recording is available to all users. Note that local recording settings within the Zoom client allow you to capture separate audio tracks for each person that speaks. Using this and the option to optimize for 3rd-party video editor is useful for those that wish to edit the recording for sound bites or podcasts.

    Zoom’s default settings passcode-protect the webinar recordings’ share links; however, you can turn passcode protection off and customize your recording’s sharing settings by clicking on the Share… button to the right of your webinar recording title and toggling on your preferred options.

  • What's the difference between a panelist and a co-host?

    Invite panelists to your webinars as guest speakers, subject matter experts, or to assist you in managing the event controls. A panelist can share their webcam, speak on audio, share their screen, and view and respond to questions in the Q&A panel. Once a panelist is joined, you can make them a co-host in the session. Essentially, the co-host can do everything the panelist can do plus everything the host can do except editing polling questions or end the webinar. They can help to manage audio, video, and screen sharing, and are especially important to have in larger events. If the host of the webinar disconnects suddenly (from an Internet outage, for example), the host controls will fail over to a co-host. Assign multiple co-hosts as needed. For more information about the different roles in a webinar, click here.

  • Can I require registration for my webinar to gather viewer information?

    Yes! Not only that, Zoom provides rich customization of the webinar registration page including custom questions and appearance. You can also add up to three presenters that will show at the bottom of the registration page. Turn on webinar registration source tracking to help you discover what promotions are working best so you can optimize your efforts.

  • How do I transfer Zoom meeting/webinar ownership to another person?

    If you need to transfer ownership of your Zoom meetings and/or webinars to another person so they can continue to use these meetings and webinars without any URL changes, please follow the steps below: 

    New owner steps:
    1. Go to Zoom and log in with your University of Miami credentials.
    2. Locate and click on Settings (either in left navigation or at the top).
    3. Scroll to the very bottom and locate Schedule Privilege.
    4. Click the + next to Assign Scheduling Privilege.
    5. Enter the person's University of Miami email that you want to pass ownership to and allow their name to appear.
    6. Select their name and click Assign.

    The person you assigned must now go into Zoom and change the room ownership to you.

    1. Go to Zoom and log in with their University of Miami credentials.
    2. Locate and click on Meeting or Webinar to pass ownership to.
    3. Edit this Meeting or Webinar.
    4. The very first option is Schedule For.
    5. Select the new owners name from the drop-down list.
    6. Scroll to the bottom and click Save.
    7. Repeat as needed for each Meeting or Webinar.


    If switching ownership of a Zoom webinar, please ensure that both parties have webinar licenses assigned to their accounts.


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For more information about Zoom, including a list of features and benefits, visit the Zoom service page. For answers to commonly asked questions, review the Zoom FAQs.

If you have any technical issues, please contact the UMIT Service Desk at: (305) 284-6565 or help@miami.edu.


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